It's time to tune up your exercise routine. This object will rate exercises for every muscle group from “beast” to “least.” Now it is the scale:

  • Beast – Characteristically a compound exercise that lets the use of heavier weight provides a long term chance for progressive overload and has a standing for yielding significant results.
  • Better – Not the most strong movements on the block but quiet very useful and can build sufficiently of muscle mass. An excellent to further punish a muscle after the hard work has been completed.
  • Least – These aerobics should only be used to finish a body part workout, or when no other choices exist. Typically “least” movements do not allow for much progressive overload and offer a little report for your buck.

To maximize the muscle construction procedure, you need to make better selections. Start by looking at your present training routine to see if it's sprinkled with a fair amount of beast movements. I indorse at least two beast exercises per leading muscle group, per week, and at least one beast exercise per minor muscle collection, per week.

Beast exercise reference

  • Primary muscle groups: 2 beast exercises per week. Primary muscle groups, including back, chest, shoulders, and quads.
  • Insignificant muscle groups: 1 beast exercise per week. Minor muscle groups comprise hamstrings, triceps, calves, biceps, abs, and traps.

For the back, I characteristically recommend three beast exercises per week. It is worthy of having a deadlift variation, weighty row, and some kind of pull up or inverted row. You may also select to use three beast mode exercises for quads each week.

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After the supplement of beast mode movements, it's now time to reflect the rest of your exercises. If you are consuming any changes found in the “least” group, consider removing them and exchange in a “better” category lift — only use “least” group movements when you have no other choices. Or to finish off a tissue group after hard training.


Each section underneath contains exercise recommendations for every body part. They are minimum, but rational recommendations. If you want to add in additional exercise for significant body portions per week because you feel it's essential, have at it.

Chest workouts: beast to least

  • Split training weekly least recommendation – 2 beast exercises, 1 better exercise, and 1 least exercise.
  • Full body weekly least recommendation – 2 beast exercises, 1 better or least exercise.

It should be no stinker that the bench press (and variations) are at the top of the tilt. Dips fall into the beast group as well. They were once careful the “upper body squat,” and should not be discharged.

You will also find a poster that I rank exercises such as mechanism bench presses above dumbbell flyes and cable cusps. Understand that I am not useful to you to never use these “least” movements. My main point is to select the best and better moves first.

If you need to finish off your workout with flyes, pec dec, or cusps, have at it. You've already demolished your chest, so a finisher by the least exercise won't be a bad thing at all.

  • Beast – Bench press, dips, incline bench press, dumbbell bench press, and incline dumbbell bench press.
  • Better – Machine bench press, Smith machine bench press, decline bench press.
  • Least – Dumbbell flyes, pec dec, cable crossovers, push-ups.

Shoulder movements: beast to least

  • Split training weekly least recommendation – 1-2 beast exercises, 1 better exercise, and 1 least practice.
  • Full body weekly minimum reference – 1 beast exercise, 1 better exercise, and 1 least exercise.

Most learners give a half-hearted effort on shoulder training time. Make sure you blast your support with at least some form of weighty dumbbell or barbell press before keeping on to upright rows or Arnold journalists.

Front delts are beaten hard during chest training and require no actual direct work. You're better, and beast movements will do an excellent job blasting your side delts, so if you do use the least workout, consider bent over reverse flyes.

  • Beast – Military press, seated dumbbell press, seated barbell press, clean and press.
  • Better – Upright rows, machine shoulder press, seated Arnold press, Smith machine shoulder press.
  • Least – Side laterals, bent over reverse flyes, cable laterals.

Back exercises: beast to least

  • Split training weekly least recommendation – 3 beast exercises, 1 better exercise. 
  • Full body weekly minimum reference – 2 beast exercises, 1 better or least exercise.

Beast exercises should contain a row, pull, and deadlift variation. I recommend preliminary your workout with the deadlift variation. You can select either deadlift; low rack pulls, the low rack pulls, and control shrug combo or grip deadlifts. Then, add in a row and a pull. Use barbell or dumbbell rows and pull-ups or inverted series.

Pick a better activity that you enjoy, or that speeches a weak body part. Least back exercises have a slight value. Avoid them at all prices unless you have no other choices.

  • Beast – Deadlift, pull-ups, low rack pulls, inverted rows, dumbbell rows, barbell rows, low rack pull and snatch grip deadlifts, power shrug combo.
  • Better – Seated cable rows, lat pulldowns, machine rows, T-bar rows, chest supported rows.
  • Least – One arm cable row, one arm Smith machine row.

Quad movements: beast to least

  • Split training weekly minimum reference – 2 beast exercises, 1-2 better exercise. Least exercises optional.
  • Full body weekly least recommendation – 2 beast exercises, 1 better or least exercise.

Courtyards are a no-brainer. Do them. After squats add in front squats or leg journalists, you can also add in paused-squats after your chief squat workout is complete, but be cautioned – they are the holy bringer of DOMS (muscle soreness).

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After your squat-o-thon, pick help exercises that fit your needs and available gear. I happen to like leg postponements, as did Tom Platz, so if you do utilize the least activity, it gets my ballot.

  • Beast – Squats, leg press, front squats, and pause squats.
  • Better – Lunges, hack squats, jumping squats, goblet squats, and overhead squats.
  • Least – Leg extensions, Smith squats, dumbbell step-ups.

Constrain exercises: beast to least

  • Split training weekly minimum reference – 1-2 beast exercises, 1 better exercise.
  • Full body weekly least recommendation – 1 beast exercise, 1 better exercise.

Hamstrings are the red-headed stepchild muscle collection of bodybuilding. Too many gym rats toss in a couple of hamstring actions but give them a half-assed effort. Don't do this. You essential to build and strengthen both your quads AND hamstrings.

Any mixture of beast and better exercises will do. Try them out, understand which you prefer, and get crazy robust on them.

Least hamstring movements typically suck, so I would avoid them unless you are out of choices.

  • Beast – Stiff leg deadlifts, glute ham raises, Romanian deadlifts, reverse hack squats.
  • Better – Leg curls, decent mornings.
  • Least – Dumbbell leg curls, Smith machine stiff leg deadlift, lying cable hamstring curls.

Traps exercises: beast to least

  • Split training weekly smallest recommendation – 1-2 beast exercises, 1 better exercise.
  • Full body weekly minimum reference – 1 beast exercise, 1 better exercise.

I have to be honest here. I've never understood natural lifters build quality traps using only mind-muscle joining, controlled bodybuilding style movements. In my view, the traps need heavyweight and explosive reps.

shoulder muscles

My traps are ongoing to come in when I began focusing on power shrugs and deadlifts. Short-tempered Olympic style lifts like cleans are an excellent addition to this equation. I also prefer upright noises as the final nail in the traps building coffin when I don't texture like going too heavy on an assumed day.

  • Beast – Power shrugs, power cleans, barbell shrugs.
  • Better – Upright rows, behind the back barbell shrugs, dumbbell shrugs.
  • Least – Cable shrugs, cable upright noise, seated dumbbell shrugs.

Triceps aerobics: beast to least

  • Split training weekly smallest recommendation – 1-2 beast exercises, 1 better exercise.
  • Full body weekly minimum reference – 1 beast exercise, 1-2 better.

The triceps are worked hard throughout the week from bench and shoulder pressing movements, so there is no actual need to perform an excessive amount of straight tricep work. With that said, you should still an emphasis on quality when you do hit this muscle group.

  • Beast – Close grip bench press, two-arm seated dumbbell extensions, dips.
  • Better – Skullcrushers, bench dips, cable tricep extensions, French press, Tate press, seated single-arm dumbbell extension.
  • Least – Dumbbell kickbacks, diamond push-ups, cable tricep kickbacks, overhead pulley extensions.

Biceps exercises: beast to least

  • Split training paper minimum recommendation – 1-2 beast exercises, 1 better exercise, or 1 least workout.
  • Full body weekly minimum reference – 2 beast exercises, 1 better or least exercise.

We all know the most significant gym rats overtrain their biceps. The thrill doesn't do this. The biceps is one of the minimum muscle groups in the body, and you don't need to hit them with 40 sets every week.

If you can, make chin-ups a chief. Understand there is a change between chin-ups and pull-ups. Chin-ups are achieved with your palms toward your face. Pull-ups are palms left from the front.

  • Beast – Chin-ups, barbell curls, dumbbell curls, EZ bar curls.
  • Better – Pull-ups, preacher curls, barbell drag curl, hammer curls, machine curls.
  • Least – Concentration curls, Zottman curl, cable curls.

Calves movements: beast to least

  • Split training weekly least recommendation – 1-2 beast exercises, 1 better exercise, or 1 least workout.
  • Full body weekly minimum endorsement – 2 beast exercises, 1 better or least activity.

If I had a dollar for all that complained their calves wouldn't produce, I'd have many dollars. The main issue, is that most lifters rarely attack calf exercise development with extreme intensity.

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Jump squats are an additional fantastic calf building option. Provide them a try.

  • Beast – Standing barbell calf increases, jump squats, donkey calf raises.
  • Better – Seated calf raises, standing machine calf press, leg press calf press, hack squat calf raises, 
  • Least – Standing one leg dumbbell calf raise, Smith machine calf raises, seated barbell calf raises.

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Abs movements: beast to least

  • Split training weekly least recommendation – 1-2 beast exercises, 1 better exercise, or 1 least exercise.
  • Full body weekly least recommendation – 1-2 beast exercises, 1 better exercise, or 1 least exercise.

If your ab workouts consist of 1,042 crunches per day, please stop the ferocity. After you finish drumming your abs with planks and roll outs, then change on to something with a confrontation like cable crunches or weighted sit-ups.

  • Beast – Ab wheel roll outs, planks, side planks, barbell roll outs.
  • Better – Weighted sit-ups, decline sit-ups, chair knee raise, hanging knee raise, bench jackknife, cable crunch.
  • Least – Crunches, lying floor leg raise, decline bench knee raise, Russian twist.